We provide free Zero Fee Merchant Program terminals. Based on your monthly processing volume, Zero Fee Merchant Program terminals are available for you to use free of cost.
We provide everything you need by state laws to ensure you are 100% compliant. Our program is legal in all 50 states!
You have the option to process using any of our programs. If at anytime you would like to switch to tradional processing, we can update your account free of cost! If our zero fee program isn’t the right fit for you, cancel anytime with no penalty!
Businesses enrolled in our Zero Fee program will price their goods with the cost of processing fees included. i.e. if a business pays 4% for processing fees, they would price an item that is $50.00 at $52.00 ($50 + 4%).
When your customer checks out with their goods, they will see signage (which we provide) that explains the price listed is for credit card purchases and if they pay by cash, they will receive a discount. In this example, we used 4%, so the discount would be 4%.
If the customer pays with credit card, they will pay the amount of $52.00 in total. If they pay with Cash, the receipt will show the Cash Discount amount of $2.00 that is being discounted from the overall amount of $52.00, so they pay $50.00.
You eliminate your credit card processing fees while providing your customers an option to receive a discount with no cost to you!
Complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible to get you set up!
Copyright © 2024 Merchant Service Group, LLC is a registered ISO/MSP of Woodforest National Bank, The Woodlands, TX
Complete the form to receive the complete Agent & ISO Agreement and Schedule A to get started!